What Exercise Do You Do To Build A Resilient Character?


Through my work, people often ask me what characteristics or traits are important when hiring new employees. Of course, this is a subjective question but nonetheless, one that I have some very strong opinions.

To begin, I think it's important to first get on the same page regarding the concept of personality traits and learned behaviours.

Personality traits are nearly impossible to change. Habits can be changed.

It's always important to understand the difference and take a careful look at the resources that your company has available to aid in setting each team member up for success.

One of the most important characteristics I value with team members is resilience. This characteristic is what keeps things from crashing, makes you put one foot in front of the other, and ensures that your company will move forward. There are so many things that we cannot predict in dentistry; the economy, politics, benefit company trends, all things that in one way or another have an impact on our business. However, no matter what, I want to make sure that the people on my team have the tenacity, grit, and courage to be resilient enough to stick around when things get tough or messy and celebrate when things are going well. Does everyone have resilience? Can it be learned? Can we grow it and teach it?

I think of it like a muscle that it is something that you can develop, with practice. There is an amazing human being that I know, who speaks about resilience regularly. He is currently living in Alberta and often travels to speak to groups about his amazing story, and a huge part of that is resilience. Please take a moment and hear it from an expert, Tyler Pelke.

The next big question is, how can we build resilient teams? I think the most important part of building a resilient team is communication. Setting clear expectations, being clear on setbacks and successes. However, most importantly allowing them to fail, and teaching them how to get back up and keep going. However, for us to be good at that, we might want to make sure we have the same resilience in ourselves.

If you have a story about resilience, I would love to hear it at the upcoming BizED event in Vancouver!

Until next time


Bianca Dornan

Founder/Coach | Practices Made Perfect

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